Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Phat Process...samples that is!

The road to preparing my samples for the Phatfiber box, a monthly gathering of samples by indie fiber artists, takes alot of time and energy. If I do a combination of batts and fiber samples it usually takes me about a week of doing just about nothing but washing, dyeing, carding and the design work for the labeling on the computer and then the packaging of the samples. Time usually just gets away from me with the kids and the farm work.

The samples below are for the January box...the theme this month was your favorite book. I chose the Snowy Day by Ezra Jack was favorite of mine as a child!

Some of the dyed fiber being prepared to be placed on the carder. A carder will aline all of the fibers in one direction so that when removed from the carder they may be used by a handspinner to spin into yarn.

Mohair that was dyed and then carder...the cherry was dyed with Kool-Aid!

This is what it looks like coming off of the carder

This is what the batt looks like when it has been pulled off of the carder.
Finished batts all ready to listed on etsy or ebay!
These are mini batts that will go into the Phatfiber sample boxes...I also have made small fiber sample bags. The little boy, Peter, in the book The Snowy Day wakes up one morning to a Snowy Day and the fiber samples represent the color of his PJ's.
Super uber soft Cotswold wool, natural black mohair and overdyed black mohair in purple and green.

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