Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hooked Up the Baby Monitor

With the contest running I was starting to get a little nervous so I went down into the basement and uncovered the baby monitors we use for the barn. I put one receiver out in the barn near a window then I place the other end in the kitchen window. I then place the other receiver next to that one so that I can place the other monitor upstairs next to my bed! Once kidding and lambing starts it is over several weeks that I am on call at all hours of the day and night. We don't usually go anywhere that someone isn't home to cover the barn! When its starts to get close to the approximate due dates I check the barn every two hours during the day and twice at night!

Love all of the guess's the kids are having a great time reading all of the entries! All of you who are guessing at night are killing me though...I keep telling the girls daytime...daytime LOL they don't always listen...Oh and all does and ewes please!

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