Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I've put together a little photo album of our farm! This a view of the barn from the house.
This is one of our Great Pyrennes guard dogs with his new haircut!!!

Our newest Babydoll Lamb, Meghan!

Late afternoon snack!

You can't see me can you???

Interior of the new barn.

View from the barn to the road.

Cruzer showing off in his fly mask...LOL!

Looking down the hill at the barn.

Julia in the pasture.

Looking up the hill from the yard.

Looking up to the road from the yard.

The barn from the yard.

Looking down the hill from the road.

Looking up at the back of the house.

Miss Julia showing off!

Me showing off my posies!

Looking from the porch to the pond.

Side view of the house.

The house looking toward the fields and barn.

2009 Mason Dixon Fair

Tuesday July 8, 2009 some pictures of the kids with their goats at the Mason Dixon Fair! It is a lot of fun and the kids learn alot of important lessons! It is hard work. We take the animals to the fair on Sunday evening...get them settled, fed , watered and then we leave them their and go home. We come back Monday morning to feed and water, Monday night to feed and water and talk with fairgoers! Tuesday morning we come back to feed and water and then the show is Tuesday. The kids won lots of ribbons and even a trophy for Ben! Premiums too to add to the feed bill!!! LOL We come back Wednesday morning to feed and then the goats are released after the fair is over at 11pm...Yess! 11pm we have to muck the pens and then haul them home...UGGH its the best part :)!

Ashlee Blevins,my girlfriends granddaughter , another child, my Meghan and Ben.

The little ones are allowed to show in halter!

The judge was Diane Kelly...she was great! We hope she comes back next year!

Ben and his goat Snow!

The kids have a great time and feel very important!

They make lasting friendships! Julia is in the orange she is wearing Meghans shirt from last year!

The older ones help the younger ones with holding their goats and making sure everyone is included!